Diamond Jubilee Scholarship

For women, who are Australian citizens or permanent residents, enrolled in a postgraduate Masters degree (by research or including a thesis) at a South Australian university.

Eligibility criteria


be studying for a postgraduate award which is classified at Masters Degree level. This must be by research or include a thesis component; and
have completed at least six months full time equivalent of their masters program; and
have a good undergraduate academic record; and
not be in full time paid employment or on fully paid leave during the tenure of the Scholarship; and
not have received a scholarship or award in the same category in 2022; and
be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
There is no restriction on field of study. The scholarship may be held concurrently with awards offered by organisations other than the AFUW-SA Inc. Trust Fund.

How a scholarship may be used

This scholarship is not intended to fund basic costs that should be met by your University, unless unforeseen costs are incurred. (Please explain if this is the case). The scholarship is intended to help students in the critical phase leading up to completion of their studies. The scholarship must be used within twelve months of the date of the award (June 2023), i.e. by the end of June 2024.

Selection criteria

Selection criteria Selection of winners is based on financial need, the impact of the scholarship on progress, referees’ comments, the purpose for which the scholarship will be used, and the applicant’s academic profile and contribution to the academic and wider community.


The amount of each scholarship will not exceed $3,000 but may be less depending on requirements of the successful applicant/s, if more than one scholarship is offered based on applicant rankings and funds available. No one will be awarded more than one scholarship in any one year. In exceptional circumstances the trustees of the AFUW-SA Inc. Trust Fund reserve the right not to award a scholarship.

Source of funds

Until 2009 funds for these scholarships were raised annually by the Academic Hoods and Gowns Hiring Service run on a voluntary basis by the then trustees, members of The AFUW-SA Inc. (later GWSA Inc.) and friends. Funds are now sourced from income earned on that legacy of capital and subsequent investments, bequests and donations.

Closing date for applications 31st March 2023.

Lodgement of applications

Your application must be emailed (including attachments) to: bursaries@gwsa-trust.com.au by close of business 31st March 2023.

Applications received after the due date will not be considered.
Applications remain the property of the trustees of The AFUW-SA Inc. Trust Fund.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all necessary documentation, including references, are received prior to the closing dates.
The only exception to this is official documentation not available by the closing date, such as evidence of enrolment at an institution. Please list such items in a covering letter accompanying your application and forward no later than three weeks after the closing date for applications.
The Trust Fund Trustees and scholarship selection committee members are all volunteers. Assistance for applicants will be made available where possible by responding to written requests for advice sent to: info@gwsa-trust.com.au This will not include details concerning receipt of necessary documentation or status of applications. Winners will be notified by email and results posted on the Trust website after 30th June. If you have queries please allow sufficient time for a reply, or consult the FAQ page.

Intellectual property

The Trustees recognise that postgraduate students retain ownership of intellectual property arising from any original work undertaken during their course of study.

Receipt of all applications will be acknowledged. In the normal course of events, the successful applicants will be notified by the last day of June in the year of the award. Subsequently, a list of winners will be loaded to the Trust Fund Web site. The decision of the selection committee will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

2023 Winners

Congratulations to all our 2023 winners. We wish you the best of luck with your future study!
Click here to see our recent winners.